Hair clogging the drain

8 Smart Ways to Prevent Hair Clogs in the Shower

Do you dread finding massive clumps of hair when you look at the shower drain? Nobody wants to deal with those kinds of gross blockages, and they can be a sign that something might be wrong with your drainage system. 

The good news is that there are several smart ways to prevent hair clogs from happening in the first place! In this blog post, we’ll provide easy but effective tips to help eliminate pesky hair clogs in your shower drain once and for all – so keep reading!

1. Install a Mesh Cover Over Your Drain

The first effective method to prevent hair clogs is by installing a mesh cover over your drain. This simple device acts as a sieve, catching hair and other debris before they have a chance to descend into your drainage system. They’re easy to install, affordable, and widely available at most home goods stores. 

Cleaning them regularly is a breeze too – simply remove the cover, peel off the collected hair, and rinse it off. This method ensures you catch the trouble-causing hair right at the source before it can cause any blockages.

2. Invest in a Handheld Vacuum

A second proactive approach to prevent hair clogs in the shower is by investing in a handheld vacuum. This handy device can suck up loose hairs from the bathroom floor and even from the shower drain before they have a chance to clog up the system.

It’s particularly beneficial if you or someone in your home has long hair that frequently sheds. Make it a habit to vacuum up your hair after every shower or bath. It’s a small task that makes a big difference in maintaining a clog-free drainage system.

3. Use a Vinegar and Baking Soda Solution

A natural and effective solution to existing hair clogs is using a combination of vinegar and baking soda. These common kitchen ingredients work together to break down the hair and other debris clogging your drain. 

To utilize this method, first pour half a cup of baking soda into the drain, followed by half a cup of vinegar. Cover the drain and let the mixture sit for about 15 to 20 minutes. Afterward, rinse with hot water. This reaction creates an effervescence that helps dislodge hair clumps and clear your drain. It’s important to note that this method is most effective when used regularly, as preventative maintenance rather than a one-time solution.

4. Regularly Clean Your Shower

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to prevent hair clogs is by carrying out regular cleaning of your shower. After each use, make sure to clear away any strands of hair that are stuck to the walls of the shower or around the drain. 

It might seem like a tedious task, but it greatly reduces the chances of hair accumulating and forming a clog. You might consider using a squeegee or a similar tool to help gather loose hairs. Remember, consistency in this routine can go a long way in maintaining a clog-free shower drain.

5. Use a Hair Catcher

Finally, a hair catcher is another preventative solution to consider. These devices are designed to fit over the drain and catch loose hairs before they can wash away. They’re easy to install, and most models come with small holes that still allow water to pass through while catching all the pesky hairs. 

Simply remove the hair catcher after each shower, clean it out, and reinstall it for the next use. This simple yet effective method can save you a lot of time and hassle in dealing with hair clogs.

6. Use Drain Cleaners Regularly

Another effective measure to prevent hair clogs is the use of drain cleaners. These chemical solutions are specifically designed to dissolve hair, grease, soap scum, and other debris that typically cause clogs. 

It’s recommended to use these products sparingly and according to the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid damaging your pipes. Remember, prevention is better than cure, so make it a routine to use drain cleaners once a month to keep your pipes clear.

7. Brush Your Hair Before Showering

Our last suggestion might seem surprising but it’s quite effective. Consider brushing your hair before you hop into the shower. The brush will catch loose hairs that are ready to shed, reducing the amount that ends up in your shower drain. 

It’s a simple task that takes no more than a couple of minutes but can go a long way in minimizing hair clogs. Plus, brushing your hair before showering can also reduce tangles, which is a bonus!

8. Seek Professional Help

If hair clogs persist despite all your efforts, it might be time to call in professionals. Expert Punta Gorda plumbers have the necessary tools and experience to handle stubborn clogs and can provide a comprehensive inspection to identify any underlying drainage issues. 

Seeking professional help can prevent minor problems from escalating into major plumbing emergencies. Don’t wait for a complete blockage or a backed-up shower, call a professional plumber at the first sign of persistent clogging issues.

To Summarize

If you have a problematic clogged drain issue with a lot of hair, there are several best practices that you can implement to keep it clear. 

Make sure to cover all drains with mesh covers so hair doesn’t make it into the pipes in the first place; use a handheld vacuum or mesh screens if needed; invest in a good vinegar and baking soda solution for cleaning out tough debris; and finish off by regularly cleaning out your shower and clearing away any extra accumulated hairs.

Put these tips into practice to keep your drains clean and running-free! If you still have issues or need additional help, contact a local professional plumber today for further assistance.

About Us

If you are looking for a professional agency to help you install or replace your water filtration system in Florida’s Punta Gorda Region, Henry Plumbing is where you should call. We have been helping the residents of Punta Gorda since the 1970s.

Our services include water testing, plumbing, water heater repairs, installation, and more. We also offer emergency plumbing services to our customers. You can contact us at (941) 661-7398 or request an appointment here.

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